"global": {
"title": "Showkase",
"browsehappy": "You are using an outdated browser. Please upgrade your browser to improve your experience.",
"table": {
"pagination": "Showing {{ show }} to {{ of }} of {{ total }}",
"search": "Search by {{ field }}"
"hub": {
"store": "Stores",
"products": "Products",
"stores-hub": "Hub stores",
"products-distribute": "Product Distribution",
"file-manager": "Content Manager",
"campaigns": "Campaigns",
"gift-card": "Showkase Card"
"showcaseTypes": {
"RENT": "rent",
"COUPON": "coupon",
"CONTACT": "contact",
"SALE": "sale"
"block-plan": {
"header": "Subscriber Only",
"sub-header": "You can subscribe to one of our plans, or keep using it for free.",
"buttons": {
"plans": "View plans",
"cancel": "Continue free"
"modal-plan": {
"header": "Plan details",
"sub-header": "Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab illo inventore veritatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt explicabo. Nemo enim ipsam voluptatem quia voluptas sit aspernatur aut odit aut fugit, sed quia consequuntur magni dolores eos qui ratione voluptatem",
"buttons": {
"close": "Cancel"
"top-navbar": {
"help": "Help",
"contact": "Contact",
"button": {
"sign-now": "Sign now",
"config-access": "Access Settings",
"contact-support": "Contact Support"
"message": {
"warning": {
"trial": "There are {{ remainingTime }} {{remainingTime == 1 ? 'Day' : 'Days'}} left in your Showkase trial!",
"integration-token-failed": "Problems with {{ erpName }} integration. Check ERP integration settings!",
"integration-unexpected-failed": "An unexpected problem occurred with {{ erpName }} integration. Please contact support!",
"whatsapp-support-message": "Hello, I received an alert that my store, {{storeName}}, is having problems with {{erpName}} integration. Could you take necessary action please?"
"menu": {
"home": "Home",
"help": "Help Center",
"contact": "Contact",
"jhipster-needle-menu-add-element": "JHipster will add additional menu entries here (do not translate!)",
"entities": {
"main": "Entities",
"authority": "Authority",
"profile": "Profile",
"jhipster-needle-menu-add-entry": "JHipster will add additional entities here (do not translate!)"
"account": {
"main": "Account",
"settings": "Settings",
"password": "Password",
"confirmPassword": "Repeat password",
"sessions": "Sessions",
"showkaseCard": "Showkase Card",
"login": "Sign in",
"logout": "Sign out",
"register": "Register",
"detail": "Store Details"
"admin": {
"store-access": "Go to Store",
"main": "Administration",
"gateway": "Gateway",
"userManagement": "Users",
"profileManagement": "Profiles",
"storeManagement": "Stores",
"flyersManagement": "Products",
"flyersList":"Product list",
"brands": "Brands",
"showcaseManagement": "Showcases",
"bags": "Bags",
"settings": "Settings",
"orders": "Orders",
"cupons": "Discount coupons",
"marketing": "Marketing",
"invoices": "Sale",
"rent-invoices": "Rent",
"couponsManagement": "Redeem Coupons",
"categorysManagement": "Categorys",
"categorysList": "Categories",
"tracker": "User tracker",
"metrics": "Metrics",
"health": "Health",
"configuration": "Configuration",
"logs": "Logs",
"audits": "Audits",
"apidocs": "API",
"database": "Database",
"jhipster-needle-menu-add-admin-element": "JHipster will add additional menu entries here (do not translate!)",
"reports": "Reports",
"customers": "Customers",
"socialMedias": "Social Networks",
"salesChannels": "Sales Channels",
"digitalPoster": "Digital Poster",
"consumers": "Consumers",
"engagementWithOffers": "Engagement with products",
"storeRating": "Store Ratings",
"storeRatingEllipses": "Store Ratings",
"shipping": "Shipping",
"campaigns": "Campanhas",
"store-performance": "Store Performance",
"chat-performance": "Chat Performance",
"seller-performance": "Seller Performance",
"abandoned-cart-dashboard": "Abandoned Cart",
"virtual-bag-performance": "Virtual Bag Performance",
"crm-dashboard": "CRM",
"store-performance-ellipses": "Store Performance",
"hub-performance": "Store Performance",
"hub-subscriptions": "Subscriptions",
"hub-malwee-painel-multibrand": "Multibrand Panel",
"followUp": "Follow Up",
"payments": "Payments",
"communication": "Communication",
"erp": "ERP",
"showcase": "Ecommerce",
"relationship" : "Relationship",
"sales": "Sales",
"marketing-settings": "Marketing settings",
"communication-settings": "Communication settings",
"code": "Promotional code",
"discount": "Discount",
"usedAvailable": "Used / Available",
"validity": "Validity",
"limitByCategory": "Limit by category",
"status": "State",
"actions": "Actions",
"couponName": "Coupon name",
"generateCode": "Generate code"
"language": "Language"
"form": {
"fullName": "Full name",
"customerName": "Customer Name",
"corporateReason": "Corporate Reason",
"login": "Login",
"name": "Name",
"firstName": "First name",
"lastName": "Last name",
"username": "Username",
"password": "Password",
"confirmPassword": "Confirm your password",
"username.placeholder": "Your username",
"newpassword": "New password",
"newpassword.placeholder": "New password",
"confirmpassword": "New password confirmation",
"confirmpassword.placeholder": "Confirm the new password",
"email": "E-mail",
"email.placeholder": "Your e-mail",
"usernameoremail": "Username or Email",
"dateOfBirth": "Date of birth",
"birthDate": "Birth Date",
"today": "Today",
"yesterday": "Yesterday",
"last7Days": "Last 7 days",
"last15Days": "Last 15 days",
"last30Days": "Last 30 days",
"last60Days": "Last 60 days",
"last90Days": "Last 90 days",
"lastYear": "Last year",
"period": "Period",
"creditCard": "Credit card number",
"creditCardExpirateDate": "Credit card expirate date",
"birthdate": "Birthdate",
"cpf_cnpj": "CPF/CNPJ",
"cpf": "CPF",
"gender": "Gender",
"phone": "Cellphone",
"whatsapp": "Whatsapp",
"notes": "Notes",
"address": "Address",
"number": "Number",
"complement": "Complement",
"district": "Neighborhood",
"state": "State",
"city": "City",
"zipcode": "Zipcode",
"save": "Save",
"done": "Done!",
"selected": "Selected",
"howDidYouMeetUs":"How did you meet us?",
"partnerCode": "Do you have a partner code?",
"code":"Coupon Code",
"limitByCategory":"Limit by Category",
"actions": "Actions",
"couponName":"Coupon Name",
"generateCode":"Gerar código",
"couponType": "Discount Type",
"couponValue": "Value in R$",
"couponValueByPercentage": "Fixed value",
"totalAmountOfCoupons": "Total amount of coupons",
"usageLimitPerClient": "Usage limit per client",
"justCategoryCupom": "Apply only to products in this category(ies)",
"from": "From",
"to": "Until",
"discountValue": "Discount value",
"orderByBirthDayWeek": "Birthdays of the week",
"createCoupon":"Create Coupon",
"editCoupon":"Edit Coupon",
"createCouponTitle": "New discount coupon",
"createCouponDesc": "Fill in the fields below to configure and make the coupon available",
"editCouponTitle": "Edit discount coupon",
"editCouponDesc": "Fill in the fields below to configure and make the coupon available",
"active": "Active",
"inactive": "Inactive",
"usageLimitCoupon": "Limit the use of this coupon?",
"couponCodeDesc": "This is the code you will give your customer to fill in at the time of purchase.",
"couponNamePlaceholder": "Ex.: Weekly promotion",
"unlimited": "Unlimited",
"freeShipping": "Free Shipping",
"copyCouponTooltip": "Copy Coupon Code",
"editCouponTooltip": "Edit discount coupon",
"deleteCouponTooltip": "Delete discount coupon",
"discount-type": {
"percentage": "Purchase Percentage",
"fixed-value": "Fixed value",
"free-shipping": "Free Shipping"
"messages": {
"somethingWrong": "Something went wrong, try again",
"info": {
"authenticated": "If you want to sign in, you can try the default accounts:
- Administrator (login=\"admin\" and password=\"admin\")
- User (login=\"user\" and password=\"user\").",
"register": "You don't have an account yet? Register a new account"
"error": {
"dontmatch": "The password and its confirmation must be the same!",
"remove-coupon": "Error trying to remove coupon",
"quantity-used-discount-coupon": "It is not possible to register a quantity of coupons smaller than the quantity of coupons already used by customers."
"success": {
"created-coupon": "Coupon created successfully",
"edited-coupon": "Coupon edited successfully",
"removed-coupon": "Coupon removed successfully"
"change-status": {
"title": "Change order status",
"confirm": "Confirmar",
"cancel": "Cancelar"
"decline": {
"title": "Decline Orders",
"message": "Do you want to change the status of the order(s) to refused",
"confirm": "Confirmar",
"cancel": "Cancelar"
"remove": {
"title": "Confirm remove",
"confirm": "Confirm",
"message": "Do you want to remove {{ itens }} item(s)?",
"messageCoupon": "Do you want to remove coupon?",
"cancel": "Cancel"
"validate": {
"newpassword": {
"required": "Your password is required.",
"minlength": "Your password is required to be at least 4 characters.",
"maxlength": "Your password cannot be longer than 50 characters.",
"strength": "Password strength:"
"confirmpassword": {
"required": "Your confirmation password is required.",
"minlength": "Your confirmation password is required to be at least 4 characters.",
"maxlength": "Your confirmation password cannot be longer than 50 characters."
"email": {
"required": "Your e-mail is required.",
"invalid": "Your e-mail is invalid.",
"minlength": "Your e-mail is required to be at least 5 characters.",
"maxlength": "Your e-mail cannot be longer than 50 characters."
"customerIdentity": {
"required": "Your CPF/CNPJ is required.",
"invalid": "Your CPF/CNPJ is invalid."
"insufficientDataCustomer": "There are not customers registered",
"confirm-action": {
"title": "Confirm action",
"message": "Do you really want to perform this action?",
"confirm": "Confirm",
"cancel": "Cancel"
"field": {
"id": "ID"
"ribbon": {
"dev": "Development"
"loading": "Loading",
"erps": {
"info": {
"varejoOnline": {
"integrated": "Product integrated with Varejo Online"
"nexaas": {
"integrated": "Product integrated with Nexaas"
"bling": {
"integrated": "Product integrated with Bling"
"seta": {
"integrated": "Product integrated with Seta Digital"
"warning": {
"notIntegrated": "Product not integrated"
"entity": {
"action": {
"addblob": "Add blob",
"addimage": "Add image",
"back": "Back",
"cancel": "Cancel",
"delete": "Delete",
"edit": "Edit",
"open": "Open",
"save": "Save",
"view": "View",
"continue": "Continue"
"detail": {
"field": "Field",
"value": "Value"
"delete": {
"title": "Confirm delete operation"
"validation": {
"cpf": "This CPF value is invalid",
"cnpj": "This CNPJ value is invalid",
"cnpj-unavailable": "This CNPJ is unavailable",
"email": "This email value is invalid",
"required": "This field is required.",
"requiredPrice": "This field is required because you have entered a discount value.",
"minlength": "This field is required to be at least {{ min }} characters.",
"maxlength": "This field cannot be longer than {{ max }} characters.",
"min": "This field should be at least {{ min }}.",
"max": "This field cannot be more than {{ max }}.",
"minbytes": "This field should be at least {{ min }} bytes.",
"maxbytes": "This field cannot be more than {{ max }} bytes.",
"pattern": "This field should follow pattern {{ pattern }}.",
"number": "This field should be a number.",
"number-integer": "This field should be a integer number.",
"datetimelocal": "This field should be a date and time.",
"nickname": {
"unavailable": "This link is unavailable"
"phoneNumber": "Invalid number",
"expirationDate": "The expiration date must be greater than the start date.",
"discountGreatThanValue": "The discount amount cannot be greater than the value of the product.",
"valueNotZero": "This field cannot be ZERO.",
"max-equal": "This field cannot by greater or equals than {{max}}.",
"min-equal": "This field cannot by less or equals than {{min}}."
"error": {
"internalServerError": "Internal server error",
"server.not.reachable": "Server not reachable",
"url.not.found": "Not found",
"NotNull": "Field {{ fieldName }} cannot be empty!",
"Size": "Field {{ fieldName }} does not meet min/max size requirements!",
"userexists": "Login name already used!",
"emailexists": "E-mail is already in use!",
"phoneExists": "Phone is already in use!",
"idexists": "A new {{ entityName }} cannot already have an ID"
"footer": "This is your footer",
"navigation": {
"salespoint": "sales points",
"showAllStores": "See all stores"
"filter": {
"twentyForPage": "20 Items for page",
"fortyForPage": "40 Items for page",
"sixtyForPage": "60 Items for page",
"eightyForPage": "80 Items for page",
"oneHundredForPage": "100 Items for page"
"dateFormat": "MM/dd/yyyy",
"notifications": {
"entity-plural": "Notifications",
"entity-singular": "Notification",
"sound": "Enable browser notifications.",
"email": "Enable email notifications.",
"system": "Enable sound on system notifications.",
"messages": {
"change-attendant": "You have been assigned to attend to ",
"pre-time": "",
"minute": "ago",
"minutes": "ago",
"yesterday": "yesterday at ",
"now": "now"
"title": "Notifications Received",
"empty": "Without new notifications!"